Sweet girl is one week old! Oh my gosh, how the time flies when you don't want it to. It's the most cliche thing to say especially being a new mom but my goodness, I just want to bottle up her sweetness and new baby smell for the rest of my life.
Currently, she's a total mama's girl and we love skin to skin time. We're struggling a bit with nursing because I'm not supplying enough to sustain her needs so we're mixing half breast milk (pumped) and half formula right now and she's a happy camper. I've ordered some things to help my supply so we will see if in the coming weeks I can boost my milk a bit. She loves her naps and is a complete cuddle baby. I've started a bad habit already of snuggling her in bed after our middle of the night feeding so she's used to being close to mommy all the time... yikes! I'll work on that! ;)
Yesterday, we went out for our first family walk with daddy in tow testing out the new travel system we got. We have the Maxi-Cosi Mico AP car seat in Treasured Green- which I'm beyond obsessed with- and the Quinny Zapp Xtra stroller. It comes with the adapters for the car seat to make it a travel system now and then later down the line, we can switch it back to the original seat it came with. So far, it's been a dream and girlfriend is happiest when in her car seat! Andrew and I joke if she won't nap to toss her in there and let her enjoy it because it's fool proof to get her sleeping. I just so look forward to the many more strolls we will be taking over the years together.
As for a little blogging update, I have a few posts lined up I want to get live along with her birth story before I forget every delicious detail so I'll be back next week intermittently. Can't wait to share! xo