Emery | 2 Months
I had a moment the other day where I was like "wait, Emery is 2 months old...." and then I cried really hard for about 20 minutes because she's already growing so fast and I want to freeze time right.this.second. That's natural, right?
She did so much better with pictures this time around (see 1 month, here) and I'm honestly shocked because she's quite the sickie currently! Those little red eyes are breaking my heart! We went to the doctor on Monday for her 2 months shots (we both cried through that- ugh!) and we got some advice on her cold then too. We're living on the Nose Frida and she's been sleeping with us for a couple nights so she's inclined. Hoping she's slowly on the mend but I just wish I could make her feel better!
She's weighing 10lbs 15oz (54%) and is measuring 22inches (32%) so she looks amazing according to our doctor. She does have a hernia in her belly button so they said it's something that can fix itself over time and if not, she will have surgery when she's 5 to get it fixed. She's exclusively on formula now because my supply dried up fully (sad day) but she does amazing on bottles alone- we're currently using comotomo but I don't love them... I'm searching for other options but I've tried 5 brands now so I think comotomo is the best option for us.
riding in the car
giggling and smiling
sitting up like a big girl
tummy time
baths- seriously her favorite!
staring at fans and lights
being outside
giving open mouth kisses
swaddling- we're transitioning out of them right now
being overtired or hungry
when you take her bottle out of her mouth- she screams like crazy!
sitting still because she loves being rocked
and..... headbands- I will get her to like these! ;)
Overall, we are just loving the stage she's in right now because she recognizes us and smiles all the time. She's been so fun to watch grow and see her little personality come out. Andrew now has a serious bond with his little lady and it melts my heart. We are so blessed! Happy 2 months, angel baby!
Family Pictures
It's that time of year where everyone is getting their family pictures taken for their Christmas cards and it's something I look so forward to because my husband expects it! He isn't one to love doing pictures so it's a guarantee he can't fight me on it when the excuse is to update everyone in our lives who means a lot to us.
That being said, I was so elated to collaborate with Ellie Coburn on ours this year because she literally is.a.dream! Ellie drove from Calif to work with us on a Sunday afternoon and she made such an effort to come over prior to us doing pictures to meet the kiddos and pup to get them comfortable. Drake was her little bestie when it came time to shooting and Emery gave her approval by spitting up on her... ha! Sorry Ellie! ;)
Besides all of that, I felt like I was working with a long lost friend while we shot everything. Her whole demeanor is simply warm and inviting and puts everyone at ease capturing the perfect moment. Thank you Ellie for your love and talents- we will forever adore these pictures when looking back on our first pictures of a family of 5!
connect with ellie
baby goodies
Shopping for Emery

It's no lie I love shopping and doing it for a daughter now is even better! When I was pregnant, I splurged on a few items for her I had seen roaming around the web but I felt a little silly spending too much knowing how quickly she'd grow out of everything. The tricky part is I'm not one to buy Walmart cheap-o stuff because I feel like the quality is just blah so in between my splurges at J.Crew and Gap while they're having sales, Old Navy (coupon code DASHER for 30% off) and Target (use code JOY30 for 30% off) are my go-to places!
Since she's transitioning out of all her newborn items into 0-3 months right now (so sad she doesn't fit in this anymore!), I just recently stocked up on a few more things (dying over this sleeper!) and wanted to share here along with some items I've found to be a necessity for survival! Make sure to use code JINGLE for purchasing at J.Crew for 30% off and code GIFT at Gap!
Since she's transitioning out of all her newborn items into 0-3 months right now (so sad she doesn't fit in this anymore!), I just recently stocked up on a few more things (dying over this sleeper!) and wanted to share here along with some items I've found to be a necessity for survival! Make sure to use code JINGLE for purchasing at J.Crew for 30% off and code GIFT at Gap!
fall fashion
winter fashion
Weekend Wear
tunic (use code AUBREY10 for 10% off & free shipping!): The Tickled Pink Boutique | faux fur vest: Sosie (similar in white, here) | jeans: Target -30% off with code JOY30 | booties: option here | tote: Daily Look (so similar to a Celine so snag it, friends!) | hat: Old Navy (option)
I am pleased to say, I think I'm finally back into the groove of things! After a week of really mastering Emery's daytime routine, I'm confident getting back into work with scheduling and getting time to devote back on this little blog of mine!
Hubby and I spent Saturday morning brunching with some friends of ours for a birthday and even though we were only away from the kids for a few hours, it was such a nice break! Of course I was dying to smother my angel babe in kisses the moment I saw her (and I did!) but we definitely need to embrace those moments alone just spending time as us. #amiright?
I chose to pair a new tunic I got from The Tickled Pink Boutique with a faux fur vest I've been dying to wear since it's still in the 70's in PHX but it was the perfect look for a casual day out. Also, I get tons of questions on this Celine knockoff bag of mine- shop it here!
1 Month
Oh, this is priceless. And the double chin? I can't even handle it! I am super behind on getting this posted but I know if I don't do it, I'll hate myself for not documenting Emery each month as she grows. You can see here, she wasn't a fan of her one month pictures and that's all good.... I felt the same way that day and quickly followed with my own meltdown. #realtalk
bath time
being worn by mommy
pulling her ears
sucking her thumb
lounging with her brothers
riding in the car
walks outside
the music at church
feeding time- seriously, this girl can eat!
being over tired or hungry
sleep- help your mama out girlfriend!
getting dressed
diaper changes
nursing (we are exclusively pumping & bottle feeding)
Even over the last two weeks these have totally changed and I love seeing that! She is just coming into her own little person and I can't wait to share how she's blooming in just a couple more weeks with her 2 month update.
Have a great weekend, friends!
Being Mommy
When I married Andrew, Drake was 4 years old. We didn't have him consistently because of Andrew's work schedule never permitting that time so we had him every other weekend. In May of 2012 we made the switch to having little man one week on and one week off and were elated about that change. It never was an issue with his mom because we all get along really well and her and I have always been super open about how she's mommy and I'm Aubrey, his stepmom. I didn't ever want to step on her toes and make her feel inferior and I didn't ever want Drake to think I was trying to take her place.
Yesterday, we were in the car talking about ordering Christmas stockings and I told him how I was going to get them embroidered with Andrew, Aubrey, Drake and Emery... he then said "you should do them as Daddy, Mommy, Drake and Emery" and it totally took me off guard. He then proceeds to tell me he's just going to start calling me mommy because he doesn't want Emery to get confused as she grows up and I'm basically his mommy too. It melted and shocked my heart all at the same time. Of course, I love his love and acceptance of me in his life but even more so now being a mommy, I would never want him to say this because it would hurt his mom so badly.
We're in a tough spot right now. He's still young and doesn't quite understand what this stepmom/stepdad thing means and over the years we've always said it's more love for him and he gets two extra families. This has totally appeased him but now he's coming into the age where he's asking more and more questions to us and his mom. I've continued telling him calling me Aubrey is what's best and maybe in a couple more years, his dad, mom and I can sit with him and explain in depth and answer his questions but right now I just have to pray that I'm making a strong impact in his life.. Thankfully, I'm reassured I am when he tells me he loves me every day, kisses me every night before bed and comes to me with his struggles to wash away his worries. I couldn't love him more and there's zero difference between him and Emery deep in my heart.
Emery's Newborn Shoot
I look through these pictures on a daily basis in awe of how much our little love has grown in just a short 6 weeks. She was only a week old when we did these pictures and my mama heart was bursting at the time with so much love and it blows my mind that love has multiplied abundantly since then. How does that even happen?!
We had the pleasure of working with Stacey of Dream Photography Studio for this shoot and she was an angel taking a couple hours in our home to make sure Emery was comfortable and tended to during the whole process. She captured her perfectly and her little personality. Notice she isn't sleeping in any... yeah, that's our girl! ;)
Thank you Stacey for blessing us with your talents with moments captured we will cherish forever- you were a dream to work with!
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