Like I said on items no. 1, I want to open that can of worms a bit more. I have noticed so many people have dry scalps and are embarrassed to share and talk about it but honestly, it's your skin so of course, it'll constantly be changing! I noticed a big shift post-partum and it's been hard finding something that works. I did the typical Head and Shoulders and treatments at my salon but I still experienced the white flakes so in January I spent $4 on Alberto VO5 and I'm now on my second bottle. Both Andrew and I have been using it and at that price, we won't be switching, I can tell you that. Pick it up next time you're at Walmart and give it a try even if it's once a week to help soothe a testing scalp.
The Essentials

Like I said on items no. 1, I want to open that can of worms a bit more. I have noticed so many people have dry scalps and are embarrassed to share and talk about it but honestly, it's your skin so of course, it'll constantly be changing! I noticed a big shift post-partum and it's been hard finding something that works. I did the typical Head and Shoulders and treatments at my salon but I still experienced the white flakes so in January I spent $4 on Alberto VO5 and I'm now on my second bottle. Both Andrew and I have been using it and at that price, we won't be switching, I can tell you that. Pick it up next time you're at Walmart and give it a try even if it's once a week to help soothe a testing scalp.
What are some of your essentials in your bathroom lately?
Easter Sunday
We hosted Easter at our house yesterday and it was such a great time! It really was the first time breaking in our beautiful dining table my dad made us and we had both sides of our families all together so we felt blessed to be hosting. I shared back here my thoughts on the day so I wanted to share how it all turned out.
Time Out
Hi friends! I just wanted to stop in quickly and apologize for the unintentional break this week from the blog. We are hosting Easter, as I told you, here and it's been a mad house shopping for goodies and getting the house prepped while it's also Spring Break for Drake. We've been trying to make it a memorable one for him and have thing going on each day to soak up as a family while working full time and the holiday prep soooo I'll be back Monday with a packed week of posts- stay tuned!
Friday No. 6
Friday! The day has come and it's time to close out the week and I'm so excited about that. It was a tough one and I'm just ready to hit Drake's football game tonight with the family and enjoy some time unplugged. You know what I mean?
thankful for // Fellow mamas! We had a splash pad date with some AZ girls and their kids and it's always a nice treat to get out of the house. Granted, I'm exhausted after and Emery typically naps in the car instead of in her crib but it's good for us!
praying about // Everyday life and getting back into the adjustment of Andrew going back to work. It's likely he will return the first week of April which is awesome but also will be hard on the kids and I since we've had a solid 3 months of him around much more than we're used to.
loving // Everything from Gap for the kids. Everything.
adding // These cute crops tops to Emery's closet for the warmer months. She had one last year and it's just so cute seeing little babes in crop tops so we're continuing that look this summer! You can use code JJAK15 for 15% off your purchases at June & January!
decorating // My office a little bit more. Updating pictures on the walls, pulling in a statement wall with a fun print and even a few new pieces to decorate thanks to my mom gifting some fun things. I'll share it eventually when it's completed.
(use code "aubrey" for 25% off at The Tickled Pink Boutique)
spring fashion
Fringe Detailing
I wore this dress last week running errands with Andrew and Emery and felt put together. I don't know what it is lately but the last thing on my mind is taking care of myself and getting ready each day so when I actually do, it's a nice change of pace!
before vs after
Our Home
Before VS After | Kitchen
Another peek at the house with a before vs after post and today it's all about the kitchen. I know I've said it before but it's not our ideal kitchen aesthetically but that's okay! I was first really hesitant about even purchasing this house because I knew we wouldn't change this room since it's a temporary house but having lived in it 7 months now, it's really become a space we love.
Friday No. 5
I blinked and this week went by! Between work and the crazy schedule with the kids I couldn't even remember what day it was during the week and they're all jumbled together now. I had a few installs for clients (here) and working on new branding for small businesses, Andrew had therapy and a lot of appointments throughout, Drake had a field trip at school and Emery still isn't sleeping on her "normal" schedule.
L E T ' S R E C A P
excited for // Drake's first football game tonight! He's doing flag football this year to introduce himself to the sport and if he likes it, he can do tackle next year. He's also starting QB which he's so pumped about!
listening to // Elevation Worship- Here as in Heaven. It's so good.
watching // Fuller House. Yeah, we gave in and started it. The first one we watched as a family and Stephanie's boobs were out of control so we haven't had Drake watch it with us since. Was Full House fill of innuendos back in the day too? Ey yi yi.
loving // The thought of Easter being so close! I can't wait to host this year and my Gam Gam called me yesterday to say they're going to make the drive north and come! Yay!
doing // Whole 30. Katey has me inspired so I'm doing it. I'm making a lot of the same meals for Andrew and Drake but they won't be doing it fully, just more healthy, clean eating on their end versus removing all grain, sugar and dairy. So far, I'm missing creamer in my coffee but otherwise, I'm doing good!
spring fashion
Twirling Floral
I've been on the hunt for the perfect floral maxi for spring and I think I've finally found it. I had in mind I would wear this for Easter and I probably still will but in the meantime it's been a nice change of pace to my leggings and over-sized tops which I've fondly deemed my "momiform".
before vs after
Our Home
Before VS After | The Powder Room
I tried so hard to shoot this space in a flattering way but it's a little awkward with the layout and how the sink and toilet are separated and then of course, it's a small powder room. Ideally, I wish I could just have you walk through this room because images don't do it justice. This is unanimously the favorite room in the house by all our guests and I wish the pictures portrayed that!
A Darling Kid Space
Target did it again! As if you already didn't know but seriously, they just launched a new collection for kids, called Pillowfort and it's daaaarling. It has me dreaming up ways to pull big girl into Emery's room when that happens in the next year.
Skin Struggles
taken one day before introducing Tula - completely unedited - taken with iPhone 6s
Yikes. Talk about being vulnerable here. Let me just air out my dirty laundry with a face full of zits and dark spots to start the week, yes? Recently, I've been struggling again with my skin and it's not been pretty. I think as women, it's empowering having a blemish free face and glowy complexion because it makes you feel amazing but when you don't, life basically stops and you don't dare stepping out in public in fear of seeing someone you know.
Friday No. 4
(all AZ shops!)
How was everyone's week? It's been busy for us over here... we had 6 doctor appointments between Andrew and I, we filed our taxes, started football practices with Drake and Emery is on a new schedule so we're dead tired.
I'm spending some time on clients this weekend and hitting PHX Flea; I can't wait! Last time they had a market, I couldn't make it so I'm packing the kids up and spending our Saturday outside enjoying the time in Scottsdale.
loving // Every flipping thing from Anthropologie right now. I mean, these bunny ears? And this dish towel... I'll take one of everything from there. Please and thanks. I got this candle again last weekend and I promise, I've already burned half of it because I can't get over the Volcano smell.

wishing // For motivation to stick to a damn workout routine. I was doing the gym again and fell off the wagon when Andrew was in the hospital and now I'm trying Kayla Itsines at home through her app... much more successful but I have got to change my mindset to make it stick. I get so discouraged and irritated with myself but you have to start somewhere.
appreciating // Time off instagram and social media. I took last weekend "off" and simply enjoyed the time with my family and it builds a deep appreciation for the undocumented time online. Give it a try!
trying // A new skin care line... gasp! I love Enza and have used it for 2 years now but I need a change because of some hormonal things going on. I'm trying Tula and so far so good. I have some nasty "before" pictures to share with you in a few weeks when I have a substantial "after" picture of how my skin is doing. I'm loving this mask though! You can use code "AUBREY25" for 25% off and free shipping.
before vs after
Our Home
Before VS After | Family Room
Are you guys loving this series as much as I am? It's been fun for me to see the rooms side by side and looking at the little changes we did to make it ours. The house came with the furniture seen in these images so we sold the pool table, donated the bar stools, TV and pendant light and pulled in our decor. Again, we changed the paint and put all new carpet in and BAM- it's refreshed and ready for us!
Easter Plans
Throwback to last Easter, oh my goodness! Was she not just the sweetest little bunny ever? She still is actually but she's sassy and tantrums at me now so dressing her up with bunny ears probably won't be happening this year! ;)
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