Currently Grabbing For | Beauty Edition
Love love love this stuff! It's my go-to for a hair mask once a week. Run under hot/warm water, massage it onto dry hair and rinse off in the shower. It leaves you silky smooth and so ready for a week of processing and using product galore- hehe!
I ran out of my typical highlighter a couple weeks back and saw this at Target so I opted to try it. I thought if it could give me a blush/highlighter in one, perfect! It's been really lovely and something I've worn everyday since buying- so win!
I also snagged this when I got the above because I've been hearing so much about balms to cleanse and remove makeup... guys! It melts it off and it smells so good. I really love this and have used it probably every other night in rotation with my TULA cleanser.
Emery and I ran to the mall the other day and I picked up a ton of bath bombs but I've also had some extra redness in my face so I snagged this mask. If you're not familiar with LUSH, they make everything in house and fresh so the product you're getting is amazing for your skin. You have to buy masks in store as they require refrigeration but this one has redness calming traits and smells so rosy. Love it!
Just so stinkin' cute right? I got this a couple months ago after watching Mean Girls and I think it's just so fun! I've been keeping it filled with necessities in my purse. Lotion, chapstick, gum, kid snacks... you name it. I have the larger size!

baby 3
hollyn grace
Maternity Pictures
Oh, you have no idea how excited I am to share these pictures! I wasn't even planning on doing maternity pictures this time around and I felt content with that up until about 32 weeks. Something clicked in me then that I haven't been documenting myself and this growing belly like I did with Emery and although I may be okay with that, maybe Hollyn would want some pictures knowing it was her inside her mama. Cliche? Totally. But it could be a keepsake she wants and I would feel terrible if it came down to that and I didn't have some for her.
baby 3
hollyn grace
What's in Baby's Hospital Bag?
Hospital bag chat! I had a few requests for what I was packing for Hollyn on instagram so I thought I'd pull a little post together to share. It's not necessary to really bring a lot for baby but it makes your stay more comfortable whether it's one night or a few nights. Comparatively to our first time around, I checked off some boxes of what it was nice to have then and what I wish I had brought (burp cloths!) so this is it.
Our Home
House 3 | Laundry Room
Not really a space people typically share but having gone from a much smaller, more simple laundry room it's been really nice having a large one with a sink and space to store items! When we moved in, the counters were a brown speckled laminate, which isn't terrible because the white cabinetry really brightened the space but something I wanted to change. Being on a budget and not putting a lot of money into this house as it's still a temporary home, I bit the bullet and bought vinyl contact paper from Amazon and gave the counters a little refresh.
Emery's 2nd Birthday Party!
Yesterday was the party we threw for friends and family celebrating Emery turning 2! We had such a blast getting together with everyone and stuffing our faces with yummy food and sweets. A little back story... Drake chose to get one big gift for his birthday this year instead of having a party but we still wanted to sing him Happy Birthday with family so we kind of did a joint party in a sense. He didn't care about the theme so we catered to Emery with that and his mom made him an awesome Broncos cake to enjoy.
Mom Guilt
do you guys remember Emery being this itty bitty, sweet thing?
4 months old here.
I'm struggling with a bit of mom guilt. When I was a nanny to Elle, I was paid to leave the house and spend time doing things out with her. She had little gym, story time and play dates with other friends so it was something simply part of our routine.
Our Home
House 3 | Office Space
This "office" of mine has definitely evolved over time and it's always something I love updating here and there with a few things to keep it fresh. There's nothing like redoing a mood board to get you motivated for a new season or even swapping out a couple pictures you have in the area.
baby 3
hollyn grace
Our Home
Hollyn's Nursery
Happy Friday! It's time to share Hollyn's sweet little bedroom and I am so pleased with how it turned out. I wanted to go with a more eclectic vibe and pull pieces we could use with her over time to give her a toddler room and then big girl room. I started with the rug and knew everything else would fall into place pretty easily based on that one piece and I love the way it turned out.
Style as a Mama
tunic- Pink Blush Maternity | jeans (on sale!)- American Eagle | booties (on sale!)- Rack Room Shoes
While I'm all about comfort, it's okay to feel a bit put together as a mom and adding a bootie instead of flip flops makes all the difference for me. Better news? These particular ones from Rack Room Shoes have the most cushy soles and my feet didn't even cry the whole time wearing them. What a success!
Recent Baby + Toddler Purchases
I've been in a mode of not messing around and ordering items I think would be great to have on hand lately (thank you, Amazon Prime). So I wanted to collect my thoughts and basically give you a glimpse into what has been through my cart and in transit to me over the past week or two.
Let's start with baby gear... not much more to add here from this post recently being complied but 3 things I'm really pumped about!
Our Home
House 3 | Emery's Room
It'll be sooner than later we start making this little room into a slightly "bigger girl" space so I wanted to share it while it's still a bit nursery-esque. We're planning to transition to a toddler bed when we feel she's ready as she loves her crib- I also don't want to give up the freedom of just laying her down and letting her enjoy some quiet time. Ha!
baby 3
hollyn grace
Pregnancy Update- 34 Weeks
hoodie (launching today @ 10am PST!)- Evy's Tree
Happy hump day! I thought it would be fun to check in on a little pregnancy update since we've only managed to share a few this time around. I'm currently 34 weeks and have been experiencing some contractions outside of Braxton Hicks for the last week or so. They don't typically last long or get close enough together to ring any alarms but that's progress, right?
Let's Talk Teeth
*32 weeks pregnant with emery
I've been having the worst tooth pain for the last couple weeks to the point of finally going into my dentist to get x-rays done to decipher the problem. Behold! My wisdom teeth are starting to pop on in and those babies mean business. I finally have an understanding of what Emery went through teething because that pain is like no other.
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