A Few Favorites
I was babbling away on instastories today about a few of my favorite things lately so I wanted to pop in and share them for you here! I've been in the phase of life where I'm finding key things that I love and consistently use and continue to purchase as they run out or constantly wear certain pieces I've found to be staples so maybe these items are those ticket things for you, too.
Microblading Touch Up
Its' been about 7 weeks since my initial experience and application of my eyebrows- microblading! I saw Amanda from High Brow and she worked wonders a couple months back. They scabbed, peeled and healed themselves over time so I went back for my touch up on Wednesday to ensure they're good and filled for the next couple years while they last.
Favorites from TULA
I've been using TULA products for over a year now and the thing I love most is how soft and hydrating their products are on so many skin types. It's helped me transition from rough adult skin to something I'm happy to be out and about and seen without makeup on. What a confidence booster!
I've mentioned them time and time again on the blog (see posts here) so I wanted to pop in and share a coupon code with you all today! I hope you can snag a few goodies and get them incorporated into your routine with just as much love as I do!
use code "AUBREYK20" for 20% off and free shipping thru May 1st!

Are you currently using TULA? What's your favorite product of theirs?
Rolling With My Homies
Can I just say a double stroller is quite literally a game changer. I didn't realize what I've been missing the last 4 months, you guys! It's been on my wishlist to snag one so when Maxi-Cosi launched their newest stroller, the Dana for 2, it arrived quickly and we've used it every single day the last 2 weeks. Like every day.
graphic design
Babysitter Checklist Printable!
I shared this darling download printable over at West Valley Moms Blog so I wanted to make sure you all are seeing it too. Perfect way to organize your thoughts and all the details necessary for your sitter while out for errands or a date night!
to download the babysitter checklist printable!
AZ Blogger Shoot
girls leotards- Leotudes | girls dresses- Chrome Classics | mama tops- PinkBlush | my jeans- American Eagle | Hollyn bow- Notes and Knots | Emery socks- Top Knots and Twirls | Emery moxfords- Sweet N Swag
Being a blogger, it's kind of in our nature to step out of our comfort zone and meet new people. We're socialable and like to make friends so it's been a blast getting to meet other AZ bloggers. There are a select few I've get together with as often as schedules permit, Fatty, being one of them but I was able to connect and meet Bethanie and Jenna recently too!
Stikwood Shiplap Wall - The Break Down
Shiplap wall! I don't think I've ever had more DM's on Instagram about something in comparison to this wall I installed with the help of my parents. I wanted to channel my inner Joanna Gaines and a few months back I came across Stikwood Designs and it simply needed to happen. In my house. STAT. Knowing Emery's room was on my radar, it was the perfect opportunity to make my shiplap wall dreams come true.
Our Home
Emery's Big Girl Room - The Inspo
shiplap wall (hamptons) | blush duvet + insert | metal bed | horse art + navy art | rifle paper co throw | chevron jute rug | wicker basket (on clearance- $25) | 4Sleep mattress
It's been a long time coming working on pulling together all the pieces for Emery's big girl room and it's slowly, but surely coming together. I have almost all the items in my hands and I've been adding details here and there. We tackled the shiplap wall a few days ago (come back Friday for a recap on that!) with the help of my parents and since that's been complete, it's been seamless moving forwarding adding all the fun decor details.
hollyn grace
Hollyn Grace | 4 Months
I'm failing at documenting our girl here but our biggest praise of being 4 months is not needing to get a helmet to correct her head. It's progressed over time and we're celebrating that little victory.
Happy 4 months, Hollyn Bug!
March 8, 2017
baby goodies
Our Nursing Journey
I've been open about my struggle with nursing and how that journey went with Emery. I was determined it wouldn't end the same with Hollyn and I was defeated around 8 weeks when it did, indeed, end the same with Hollyn.
Shortly after having her, I posted our "cocktail" of trying to get my supply movin' and groovin' and with so much support from other moms, it helped make the transition from nursing to solely formula fed, easier. Fed is best. Amen and amen.
Summer, Here We Come!
Does this girl have style or what?! It's been blazing (okay, not really but kind of) in AZ lately and we're prepping for some fun splash pad and pool dates with our friends so we simply had to snag some new goodies from the Kortni Jeane collection that launched last week!
Life Lately
It's been a hot minute since I updated on life and everything happening behind the scenes so let's chat as if we are out to lunch or having coffee together.
Overall, things have been good but busy. We've in this crazy busy season of life but I'm finding it to be oddly soothing knowing we have things to accomplish as a family and we're checking them off the list. I also find a bit of satisfaction knowing we're doing it seamlessly. Adding Hollyn to the mix hasn't altered the normal much and it's been a dream really seeing our kiddos flourish individually but also together.
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