Happy Monday, you guys! It was a really great weekend for us because we spent most of it in Tucson visiting my Gam for her birthday! It's so fun having them close for the winters and only 2 hours away so we have an excuse to take a road trip and soak up some family time. While we were down there Emery was literally a running machine. She thinks any time someone comes walking behind her or even looks at her (ha!) that they're going to chase her so she bolts the other way and belly laughs the whole time. Such a fun stage! Check out her faces below... I die laughing looking through them!
On to the good stuff... functional mamahood. Is that even a thing? It can be if you have the right resources! Here are a few tricks of mine I can't leave the house without because they accommodate both kids...
LARGE BAG // We're always switching through our Lily Jade diaper bags on the weeks we have Drake because I typically need more room for all kid stuff. They recently launched their Meggan over the summer and it's even more roomy than our Madeline. We have loved it since it's arrival and the option of wearing it either backpack or over the shoulder but our favorite feature is the insert. It's brainless taking it our and leaving it with the childcare at our church or gym and then I still have my "purse" with my belongs. Sometimes I'll just use the insert in a different purse and that alone keeps everything so clean and organized!
EASY SNACKS // Lately Emery has been ravenous any time she sees food or someone else eating food so I used to only keep a meal for when she would need to eat and not snacks but it's become common it's something to appease her by having a few cheerios pre-packed and easily accessible. We use the $1 containers from Target and pack one full one all the time. I also keep organic fruit snacks, applesauce and goldfish on hand for either kid and they're always happy to snack away.
WATER BOTTLES // Usually one sippy cup is always involved but she learned to use a straw a couple weeks ago which helps her drink from my cup but I like to keep at least 2 water bottles in my bag for either Andrew or Drake. Dehydration and the AZ desert don't mix. We have 4 additional in our car too... I take it a little too seriously, I'm sure! ;)
iPOD OR iPAD // Yes, I'm that mom. But when you're commute is about 2 hours for school pick up, it's necessary to keep a one year old happy and a 10 year old not irritated with his annoying sister. We love the Little Baby Bum videos on YouTube and the PBS app. Praise Jesus for those.
BOOKS // Little board books are perfect because when I don't want to resort to the screen time, I can ask Drake to read to Emery or keep her distracted flipping through a book or two for at least 5-10 minutes.
WIPES // Hello dirt. You would think I use these mostly for the baby but it's Drake constantly reaching for these babies. Dirt. Gum. Sticks. Boogers. Who freakin' knows but that kid is a magnet to ick and wipes are a lifesaver.
and of course, you'll then need the basics like an extra change of clothes, diapers, hand sanitizer and the mom stuff. IE: wallet, keys, chapstick, hand lotion... etc. You're probably thinking "damn, that's a lot of shit, girl!" but seriously, it all fits in my Meggan bag. Like a BOSS. Cheers to mamahood functionality! Good news too, you can order anything from Lily Jade by tomorrow, Dec 15th and get it in time for Christmas!
denim- American Eagle | top (sold out, similar)- Target | jacket (similar, on sale!)- Forever 21 | sneaks- Converse | diaper bag (on sale!)- Lily Jade | emery onesie (similar)- Old Navy | emery leggings- Old Navy | moccs- Starry Knight Design | headband- Hudson & Isla
don't you just die over the two pictures above? she's about to book it and then takes off! see ya, mom!