Good morning! I am writing this in real time because I actually have today to myself. My mom has been awesome and taking Emery once a week for me so I can get things crossed off my to-do list and it's made such a difference. There's just something about uninterrupted time and how you can manage things a bit better without being a chicken with it's head cut off.
It's been slow here because we've been in the adjustment phase with Andrew being back at work. He started again just about 2 weeks ago so it's really just getting used to that schedule again. He leaves before about twenty minutes after the kids are awake and gets home after they've gone to bed so we lived in fairy tale land the last 3 months enjoying him home and the babies are missing their daddy.
We had his annual company party last weekend where they honor all the full time employees and really pull all the stops to show their appreciation but during the ceremony, they did a full piece on The Bruce T Halle Fund which is what helped us and paid for all our medical expenses with the accident and I was a blubbering mess. It's just perspective and what an awesome company he works for. They strive to be the hands of feet of Jesus and I'm proud he's part of that mission.
Anyway, I have a busy weekend with two events on Saturday and then we have some family plans Sunday so hopefully things will slow down enough Monday to get back into sharing over here. I'd love to finish up the Before vs After series with you, just a few rooms left! ;)
Happy Weekend!