Right now, we're driving to Calif for our friends wedding. I'll be honest I'm not so excited about this drive because I've been a hot mess of nausea as of lately. We shall see how it goes but I don't have high hopes.

Random, Wednesday night I spent a couple hours figuring out what I wanted to make for a freebie and this week I planned on doing a phone background, an iPad background and a desktop background and right when I went to save it all, my computer froze and I lost it. All of it. Tears. Let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. So I drank some much needed wine and knocked out something completely different that I ended up liking better. So today, snag one, two or three freebies is you'd like and share with all your friends, kay?

phone background, here.
iPad background, here.
desktop background, here.

T H I S   W E E K ' S   N U T S H E L L :
monday | calif traveling
tuesday | currently
wednesday | blog design: dissected

Happy weekend!