Being a Christian it's easy for me to lean on the Lord in times of hurt and despair as well as during my daily routine to thank Him for our many life blessings and every once in a while, a verse pops up at the exact moment I need it and I think "wow, this is perfect." It was a few months ago I came across Proverbs 16:9 and I thought it had really resonated with me and my heart at that moment. Fast forward 4 months and yesterday during service, it knocked me right in the face.

I've been a planner and have in my heart everything that needs to be accomplished and built and created and when it doesn't happen instantaneously I become discouraged, hurt, forgotten...etc. But it hit me yesterday, this isn't about my plan. God has His own plan and I need to be patient with that and trust in His timing. I need to stand firm on His word and know that when He wants to present this huge blessing we've been praying for, He will present it. Coming to this realization wasn't easy but it's much easier when my husband has been holding my hand all along praying with me and for me to understand this and to let go of my worries and fears and let God work in our home and hearts. It's surprisingly refreshing waking up today knowing that I'm in that place. I trust Him and I know things will happen when He's ready for them to.