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On January 15th I took a huge leap of faith to work from home for myself as a freelance graphic + web designer. Having it been about a month since I've made this change of work, I feel like I've finally grasped the experience and molded my life and daily routine to be best successful with my business as well as my personal life. Today, I wanted to share a day in the life and a few tips of what I've learned along the way.

Basically, my day doesn't start until early afternoon because I know I'm not a morning person and I need to be my best when using my creative juices and if I'm sleepy or grouchy, it's just not going to happen. You really have to be a self motivator when working for yourself because it all depends on you and your work ethic. I think I have amazing examples of work ethic with my dad and husband and we depend on this income for our home to function so I make it a point each and everyday to work as hard as I can so when I step out of the office each night, I know I did my best for myself and for my clients.

Typically, I do get up a little earlier to get a workout in or I do a class in the evenings but this is a rough idea of my normal day. I do switch it up sometimes also and have lunch with girlfriends or coffee in the morning but again, it's all about finding your balance and working your day around knowing what works for you and what doesn't. Trial and error people! Hopefully this can also be a great resource of a structured day for those who are in the same boat as me. And please, share other ideas if you've found something else works better! I'm always for learning better avenues to being successful.
