I think as a blogger we're so sucked into everyday life being placed on social media in the most perfect and pristine way. It's all about the perfect instagram photo and the weekly manicures and now the snapchats of "daily life" that are also, mostly staged. I too have fallen into the well lit photos and the moments of only sharing what's perfect and pretty but lately, I'm so drawn to being real. What a concept! This doesn't come from a hateful or bashing way but in a sense that I want the people following me and keeping up to date with my life and kids to feel inspired because I live a normal life.

I'm up at 6am with a baby, getting a 9 year old off to school, hitting the gym and then not even getting ready for the day sometimes until 2pm IF I even get ready for the day. If we're being honest, I tend to get blinded by a needy baby and client emails that half the time, I'm a smelly mess until the kids are asleep for the night. So realistically, I don't have time to stage a great photo or share peeks of blogging details because shit, I'm busy being a mom and business woman. Truthfully, there is a day in a week that I can manage to get ready and enjoy a Starbucks or even a lunch out with a friend but guys, that's a rare occasion.

The intent of this post has everything to do with our new home. I'm so enamored with the lovely pinterest kitchens and home decor and find myself in this season of life lusting over everything that's trendy and EXPENSIVE. K, we don't have a money tree in our yard... or world so the things I see and pin and would die to have in our new home just.can't.happen. That's the reality of it and that's something I've had a hard time swallowing when Andrew and I have house talks - which is daily now - about what we can and can't afford. Are upgraded countertops throughout the house a must? No. Do we need to do custom flooring right when we close? Not at all. How about the 6 inch crown moulding and baseboards? Nope. We can't afford it and that's okay.

We're 25 and 27 with two kids and just getting into our dream home after our starter home. We really don't even need the space this new home offers but we're blessed to be able to afford that. We are lucky to have the ability to have kids with their own rooms, a guest room, an office and heck- a 4 car garage. But cosmetically, it's going to be a journey over time making it perfect for us.

Being in this world of "perfect" makes me want want want and it's not healthy. It's outrageous I now have expectations of a $40,000 kitchen because she has it. I mean, snap out of it. I'm excited to be sharing this home journey with you guys but please know, if you're expecting the most perfect home when we move in come August, you won't be seeing that. It's going to be real and down and dirty for a while so we can simply adjust and embrace the new blessing of our dream home.