I started using the VO5 Hot Oil Therapy in February and it's been something I do every Sunday night before I shower since then. The idea behind it, like I've mentioned before, is to replenish the dryness and give your hair a restart, keeping it silky all week long. Over the last 4-5 years, I haven't found a product quite like it because it's amazing at not leaving residue on your hair post shampoo + conditioning. Because it's been about 6 months of usage, I wanted to give some pointers for a few newbies below.

T I P   O N E - When using this product, always do it before you shampoo your hair. It allows it to sit on the cuticle for a bit and really soak in to do it's job better.

T I P   T W O - Run the product under warm/hot water before using so it heats it up a bit to really spread and apply nicely.

T I P   T H R E E - Double shampoo when washing the Hot Oil out so you ensure it's completely removed from your hair. I like using VO5 Dandruff shampoo when washing the product out because it gives the best tingling feel throughout my scalp.

T I P   F O U R - Don't over use the product! I sometimes think doing something more often, like treating my hair or exfoliating my face makes the job get done that much faster but it actually deters it from working because it'll become build up... just like exfoliating your face too much causes acne.

I typically wash my extensions every 4-6 weeks but apply this product to your dry extensions before washing to really give them a nice shine and silky smoothness when styling.