It's been a hot minute since I updated on life and everything happening behind the scenes so let's chat as if we are out to lunch or having coffee together.
Overall, things have been good but busy. We've in this crazy busy season of life but I'm finding it to be oddly soothing knowing we have things to accomplish as a family and we're checking them off the list. I also find a bit of satisfaction knowing we're doing it seamlessly. Adding Hollyn to the mix hasn't altered the normal much and it's been a dream really seeing our kiddos flourish individually but also together.
Drake is thriving in school and we're so proud of him for making the decision to be baptized.
Emery is making strides becoming a little girl with her new bed and we will officially start potty training in the coming weeks. I kept saying I was going to start and never did so I'm finishing this book (which has been so good!) and then getting on that horse and tackling it. She's so ready. She's been ready for a while now and I've been so preoccupied with things that I haven't given her the attention she needs to accomplish this new skill.
Hollyn is sleeping great, gives us all the smiles in the world and she started rolling from tummy to back last week! I still can't believe she's ours.
Andrew and I have been praying a ton lately about our family with fostering and adoption. It's on our hearts now more than ever and we're really hoping God will open doors and make it clear to us what we need to do. We're also getting more involved in our church and it's been really refreshing adding that into the mix. We are firm believers but we can't do this Christian thing alone. It's all about community and growing closer to God with a core group of people around you and we're finding that.
What's going on in your neck of the woods? Tell me everything! ;)