I've been open about my struggle with nursing and how that journey went with Emery. I was determined it wouldn't end the same with Hollyn and I was defeated around 8 weeks when it did, indeed, end the same with Hollyn.
Shortly after having her, I posted our "cocktail" of trying to get my supply movin' and groovin' and with so much support from other moms, it helped make the transition from nursing to solely formula fed, easier. Fed is best. Amen and amen.
Fast forward another month and Hollyn begins teething. The drool was insane and the amount she began crying was a tell tale sign we were in for the long haul with some teeth making their way down. We had a morning I was doing everything in my power to get the girls dressed and out of the house to simply run to the grocery store and it just wasn't happening. Hollyn isn't one to cry unless she's hungry and those gums of her had been winning the battle that morning. I did what was instinct, stripped us both down and snuggled in for some skin to skin in my solly baby wrap.
Before I knew it, she was nursing.
Just the day before I was showering and expressed a bit of milk because I felt lumpy in a spot and was surprised I had anything there. Well, it came in handy and I was so surprised and grateful she went right back to something she hadn't done in a handful of weeks. God designed the human body amazingly and it continues to blow my mind seeing mama and baby bond over a simple thing God created in women and how they can nourish their little ones.
After that moment, I found myself pulling out a few favorites of my Bravado Designs nursing bras and snagged a couple more of their most recent launch because if we can have times of comfort nursing, you bet your bottom dollar, I'll be taking it! I mean, I'm going to blink and she will be in college so I'm soaking up the "babyness".
I've been a fan of Bravado from my first try and posted about it here so when they came out with the Petal Soft collection featuring the Petal Soft Ballet Bra and Buttercup Nursing Bra I was completely elated. Both designs offer ample functionality and support but most importantly (to me at least)- comfort. I have to say my favorite of the two is the Ballet Bra because it doesn't offer snaps but a deep V to simply pull down the front for quick, easy and seamless access for your little one. The perfect bra to wear when sleeping and nursing! ;)
And let's chat about the gorgeous watercolor Buttercup Bra, shall we? Bravado has partnered with breasthealth.org to ensure every young woman is aware of her breast health and the significant contribution that breastfeeding can make in reducing breast cancer occurrences. Bravado is contributing all net proceeds up to $25,000 from the limited edition Watercolor Buttercup Nursing Bra to breasthealth.org! How amazing is that?
Have any of you mamas experienced the same journey through nursing as I have? It can seem so foreign being able to have that time and bond with my girls since we didn't nurse long but I'm totally grateful Hollyn and I have seemed to find a little niche in how we can make it work!