dress | PinkBlush - photography | Kourtney Marie Photography
I'm trying to get back into the whole Friday Favorites thing and recap a few things that happened during the week to be grateful for or what I came across really loving. I've neglected the blog and it's embarrassing seeing how it's just been sad and lonely. I hope I can kick back up with posting at least 2-3 times a week again. To put it simply, we're in a busy season of life but Drake is now on summer break so we have one less thing to be running around for!
- I got a new baby carrier from Happy Baby and the couple times I've used it have been so nice! We needed to opt for something a bit more supportive than the wraps and this one is exactly what we needed. I did Blossom for the color- surprise, surprise.
- I stopped by a local florist Thursday and picked up fresh blooms to scatter all around the house. It's an instant mood lifter seeing them in every corner. I did a handful of jars with only eucalyptus and then a few with hydrangea and peonies and ranunculus.
- I've been shopping more at PinkBlush (dress above) and haven't had one issue with items I've snagged. Gotta love revamping the closet slowly postpartum and actually loving everything coming in the mail! #happydance
- It's been somewhat "cool" in Phx this week! We were in the 100's and we've been under 90 degrees so we've been outside and at the park every day soaking it up before we're living in the pool to stay cooled off.
- Hollyn transitioned from her deluxe DockATot to the grand. This falls as a favorite because that means we can pass on the deluxe to a sister who's pregnant! Spread the love on those must have baby items, you know?
- Last favorite for the week, I'm finally digging into Essential Oils. I got a new starter kit from Young Living in March and I've been slowing taking time reading all the materials that came with it and I'm loving embracing and learning about them. I started an instagram (@something.essential) in hopes to share but learn alongside other gals who use oils in their daily routine.
Have a great weekend, everyone!