dress- Dwell & Slumber | emmy jammies- KicKee Pants | monitor- Summer Infant
We're in the new home, we're all sorts of settled and getting into the swing of life without chaos again. People keep asking me how I do moving so fast and seamlessly and I think we have a good system down. It also goes back to me being far too OCD for my own good and I simply can't live with boxes around the house. I can't think or function when things are out of order so we were fully unpacked and living normally within 4 days.
We're still recovering from lack of sleep and then the kids ended up really sick this past weekend but I think after a couple more nights of getting rest, we will feel good again.
I know this is just the tiniest peek at the new place but I'm loving it so much. We have the white kitchen and dark floors we've been dreaming of. Black touches throughout hardware and furniture pieces and it's cozy and welcoming as I always desire our home to be. I can't wait to share more over the coming months!
Happy Monday.
photography // Kourtney Marie Photography