I'll be the first to admit I'm ready to put up all our Christmas decor and fully walk on over Thanksgiving. It's always Halloween and then straight to Christmas for stores and getting product out so it's hard to really focus on the in between with Thanksgiving and embracing that holiday for all it's worth, decorating, planning and soaking it up.
I'm really trying not to jump the gun and put Christmas up... like today and helping me along with NOT doing that, is Pinterest. I scrolled through looking for Thanksgiving inspiration and wanted to share 6 stunning tablescapes for ideas if you're hosting for the holiday!
source unknown
Are you hosting this year? We have never hosted Thanksgiving and typical alternate years with our families on who we spend the holidays with but lately, we're just so burnt out. We'd love to see both families but also don't want to hurt anyone's feelings so we're debating just staying home and celebrating our little family of 5. I know if we do that though, we'll miss out on spending the holiday really celebrating all we're thankful for like our families and loved ones.
The dilemma!
What do you do if you have both your family and your spouses in the same city? Do you to the drop by at both homes? Spend the day at one home only? Stay at your place and boycott all? Open your place for whoever wants to come? Insight, please and thank you!