It's here! Your free download for keeping on a schedule for housework. I haven't ever followed a plan when it comes to cleaning but has some loose things I did daily and weekly. If I look at this honestly, the monthly section would typically be done every 6-9 months and I need to be better at maintain those tasks.
The kids help a lot with tackling things, as well, so don't feel like this has to be all on you, mama. Ask for help! I always struggle asking for help and being so angry when family members don't pitch in but shifting and being honest that I need the help has been huge for my mental wellbeing. Plus we all know we have some contributing to do and take pride in our home and I feel like that's *hopefully* setting the kids up for success later when they're out of the house.
We use one cleaner for everything in our house but add certain oils to it seasonally to change up the scent a bit. I just added Lemon Myrtle to my Thieves cleaner and when I did all this on Sunday, I was so happy with the fresh, spring vibes going on!
Click over here to download your printable! I am going to laminate mine and use a dry erase marker to easily check-off and wipe off as tasks are accomplished. I hope you enjoy it!
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