Eeek! I told you back here all about getting the new iPad and for the reason behind the splurge. I also showed you a little snippet here of my handwriting and told you I did it with a new app on the iPad. Well today, I'm finally going to show you a little font love and how I made the new font downloaded on my computer, Kinch Love.

First off, go download the app. This is where you can read all about it and has a link over to the app store. It's a small fee of $6.99 and I've already made 6 fonts and have been designing a few blogs with custom fonts now so in my opinion, it's worth every penny. 

Next, open the app and get to making your font! It's so simple the way they have it laid out for you. You're walked through upper case and lower case letters, symbols and numbers. You have tools available to use at the bottom of the app that allow you to name your font, change the size of your brush, change the brush tip, clearing mistakes...etc. Play around with those and don't be scared to make couple sets of fonts to find what you like.

After you've gone through all the info needed to build the font, you can click over to compose and type out your font to see it in action on the app before sending it to download. This is where you can play with spacing also. Such a useful tool!

Once you've decided on the font, simply click in the top right corner to save the font and send it to to make the font for you. I like to do this as an email because they send me a code that gives me access to downloading the font online.

Simple as that! Get it downloaded on your computer, open up your software and get to playing with your new creation. SO easy. I showed my 7 year old this when I was done and he went crazy making his own. Granted, he decided to doodle all over his which is totally fine too. This is his little mess of a font and it's so special to me because I have those memories of his doodles now downloaded. It's priceless people.

Also, a little insight to the freebie last week showing my handwriting, I did what Drake did for each letter, doodling certain sayings and phrases I liked. So again, when I hit A on the "freebie" font I made, a saying pops up and so one for each letter. So good luck; you are all welcomed to download my new font, Kinch Love below. 

kinch love

n o t e : this font was made at a higher point size to use for images on the blog. it's best used 200 point size and higher. if you decide to share, please link back here for some blog love!