Being beautiful doesn't mean to have amazing skin and perfect hair. It doesn't mean you need to have a great set of eyelashes or the most amazing lip pout. It doesn't mean you need to have flawless legs without cellulite. It doesn't mean you need the perfect eyebrow with the arch that's on point or the fullness that's "trending". It doesn't mean your nails need to be perfectly manicured and polished on a daily basis or that you must always have the most expensive and lovely clothes. It doesn't mean that deep, bronzed tan is a must or the exceptionally white teeth to pair with it.

Being beautiful DOES mean to embrace your flaws and seek them to be beautiful in your eyes. It means to give yourself fully to each and everything you do. Beauty means to hug your family and friends tight with your loving arms and heart because no new day is promised. It means to accept the hardships life throws our way and look for strength and positivity in the outcome. Beauty means to use soft and kind words instead of deep, disrespectful ones. It means to put God in the center of your life and strive to live it to build His kingdom. It means to love. Love yourself, love your family, love your friends, love your neighbors and love wholeheartedly.

That's beauty.

Thank you Enza for encouraging me to find beauty today!