We just moved which is no secret around here but during the process, I think people really only share the good versus the bad or ugly that comes with it. I'm not saying it's terrible to move but I do recommend some good checklists and possibly hiring movers.... okay, I say don't even begin the process without either of those! ;)

I began packing up our old place in March and staging it to sell and when it came to packing up the kitchen (with the help of two amazing friends) I sort of had a melt down. We were still living off items that weren't investment kitchen items, the ones that were constantly being replaced and it had me so frustrated. I vowed with the move I would declutter and spend some time reorganizing my kitchen and filling it with all the basics any home owner needs.

I visited my closest Bed Bath & Beyond and started making my lists of what I needed. Luckily, they sent us a great checklist in the mail when we switched our address with the post office and that made the process so much easier! Take a look below and please help yourself to that download (here) if you're moving and need some new things or if you're just wanting to upgrade your kitchen a bit!

On the same note, I wanted to share a peek at our kitchen superficially... you don't need to see inside my cabinets because, no. Just no. But below I've linked up all the items I ended up buying from Bed Bath & Beyond since moving in last month!


What are some of your kitchen must haves? I'm wanting to invest in a nice knife set next and then go big with a full cast iron pot and pan set. A girl can dream big, right?!