I wore this dress last week running errands with Andrew and Emery and felt put together. I don't know what it is lately but the last thing on my mind is taking care of myself and getting ready each day so when I actually do, it's a nice change of pace!
I had so many compliments on the cut of this dress and fringe detailing and it paired so nicely with my trusty Humble Hilo bag. I got my dress at a local boutique, The Tickled Pink Boutique and you might remember them from this post and this post. Oh, the pregnant days where I was the size of a flipping house. *side eye*
You can use code AUBREY for 25% off your purchase at The Tickled Pink Boutique until March 29th!
And for your viewing pleasure... this is real life when I have Andrew take a few pictures of me for posting. Emery just chilling on the ground trying to get the attention back to her. What a silly bug!