Shiplap wall! I don't think I've ever had more DM's on Instagram about something in comparison to this wall I installed with the help of my parents. I wanted to channel my inner Joanna Gaines and a few months back I came across Stikwood Designs and it simply needed to happen. In my house. STAT. Knowing Emery's room was on my radar, it was the perfect opportunity to make my shiplap wall dreams come true.
The concept behind Stikwood is they offer reclaimed wood pieces, ordered by the square foot and they're created to adhere to the wall (or whatever you're applying it to!) to make the installation pain free and simple. Genius, right? I think so! They offer a wide range of color options so your heart can go to town picking the exact feel you desire but for me, the Hamptons caught my eye because I love white. ;)
My first impression when opening the box was pure excitement and it only escalated as I was beginning the installation. The way the product is designed is so smart. I am a busy mom and work a lot while also staying home and tending to my kids. It isn't easy to carve out time for projects like this and from the first piece being stuck to the wall, to that last, it took me 2 hours. I had my moms hands- she would peel the cover on the sticky side, I'd be on the ladder adhering to the wall. My dad was on call with the saw making cuts for the little areas we needed.
I will recommend, use a jigsaw if you have one available to you! We used a miter box and it was more complicated on some of the cuts only because the wood is fragile and the saw was a touch too aggressive for the wood. Thankfully, my dad is AKA Tim The Tool Man Taylor and made it all work wonders for me.
Stikwoodalso sent over a tool (shown below) that you run across the wood planks after they're stuck to really give it a good grip and ensure it isn't budging. I can promise you though, that tape is golden and you'll be ripping paint off if you tried to remove it!
My next thoughts as we were almost complete with the wall, is I was actually totally fine that our walls weren't made completely straight and perfect because it gave the wood dimension as we progressed. Some people would be bothered by this (like my mom, lol!) but overall it was fine with me. And I kept telling myself those spots would be covered by a drape and dresser anyway so no one will see it. I just think I should disclose, this can happen!
Overall thoughts? I would recommend it to people time and time again! Being able to completely give a space a total refresh and new look in roughly 2 hours was awesome. It's right on trend, it's going to be a space that I'll never grow tired of and the product was well worth it.
What do you think? Is shiplap a trend you're jumping on board with?