I thoroughly dreaded getting our family together for a Christmas card this year. I think I've already told you this and I actually had a custom illustration done from a sweet friend of mine of an old family pic but then it occurred to me... why not do one of just the kiddos and shoot them individually?
You see, my problem is finding a time we have all 6 of our family together (Brutus included) that works with Drake being home and Andrew being off work and our photographer available and then the girls not conflicting with naps. It's rough and stressful and maybe I should start booking that once a year family shoot in October. BUT it looms near every year and I finally decided to snap some pics of my babies and scroll Minted for a solid 8 hours to find a cute card and BAM. Done.
I've ordered them, they're in my possession and awaiting me adding stamps and getting them in the mail. I just love the ease of Minted with the free recipient addressing because no cramps hands are in sight. I also love how everything coordinates from the envelope liners to the return address label stickers we use.
Thanks Minted, for always having my back!
And family/friends, expect these the week of Christmas... because I'm lazy this year! ;)